Les moments pédagogiques, Janusz Korczak
The Korczak's "Teaching moments" in French
The Korczak's "Teaching moments" in French
New translation in French of a collection of texts of Janusz Korczak published at the time How to love a child (1919), for parents and professionals of education. An interesting contribution to the study of the Korczak’s works at University and in the centers of teachers training.
Teaching moments, foreword by Lucette Colin; translated and introduced by Anna Royon-Weigelt; followed by "The time of the diary, and the diary of the time" by Rémi Hess and Kareen Illiade. - Paris : Économica : Anthropos, 2006, 1 vol. (XVI-125 p.) 22 cm. ISBN 2-7178-5206-9 — Original title : Momeny wychowawcze, in Korczak Dziela, Volume VII, Warsaw : Korczakianum, 1993, Poland — In English : In Selected Works of Janusz Korczak by Martin Wollins, translated by Jerzy Bachrach, Warsaw ; republished in 1967 at Springfield, Virginia (USA).
Published together with the last chapters of his book How to love a child, the collection of the texts from these "Teaching moments" is part of Janusz Korczak’s approach in protection and education, which aims to explain the world of children to adults, parents and educational professionals.
It is about accounts of true experiences, analysing particularly productive moments in children’s education. So, "If the context influences the effectiveness of the teaching (if it is cold in the classroom, if the child is hungry, if the noise or the teacher’s remarks prevent the child from concentrating) there must be moments of a particular quality which are more effective, more fruitful, more useful in the pedagogical process. Systematic note-taking, the adoption of the role of observer and the experience acquired over time make it possible to pick out the value of these moments and to include them in the process of education," as the editor very accurately explains.
For Janusz Korczak, who was always careful to train people involved in education in the scientific observation of the world of children, as well as to question the relationship that parents and society as a whole have with their children, it was much more useful and necessary to provoke reflection and discussion than to try to produce "methods", and the regular publication of his pedagogical diaries answered this purpose perfectly.
Professor Rémi Hess, who was guest president of the Korczak Association (AFJK) for a year in 2003, and his partner Lucette Colin, both professors of educational science in the Paris 8 University, give us a very interesting translation, produced with the help of their students. The AFJK, which had given them at the time a selection of texts which still had not been translated, is delighted by the choices made, which are particularly appropriate for sustaining professional reflection and will also contribute to the recognition of Janusz Korczak’s contribution to the basis of pedagogy, following on from the late Professor René Lourau and Raymond Fonvieille.

Published together with the last chapters of his book How to love a child, the collection of the texts from these "Teaching moments" is part of Janusz Korczak’s approach in protection and education, which aims to explain the world of children to adults, parents and educational professionals.
It is about accounts of true experiences, analysing particularly productive moments in children’s education. So, "If the context influences the effectiveness of the teaching (if it is cold in the classroom, if the child is hungry, if the noise or the teacher’s remarks prevent the child from concentrating) there must be moments of a particular quality which are more effective, more fruitful, more useful in the pedagogical process. Systematic note-taking, the adoption of the role of observer and the experience acquired over time make it possible to pick out the value of these moments and to include them in the process of education," as the editor very accurately explains.
For Janusz Korczak, who was always careful to train people involved in education in the scientific observation of the world of children, as well as to question the relationship that parents and society as a whole have with their children, it was much more useful and necessary to provoke reflection and discussion than to try to produce "methods", and the regular publication of his pedagogical diaries answered this purpose perfectly.
Professor Rémi Hess, who was guest president of the Korczak Association (AFJK) for a year in 2003, and his partner Lucette Colin, both professors of educational science in the Paris 8 University, give us a very interesting translation, produced with the help of their students. The AFJK, which had given them at the time a selection of texts which still had not been translated, is delighted by the choices made, which are particularly appropriate for sustaining professional reflection and will also contribute to the recognition of Janusz Korczak’s contribution to the basis of pedagogy, following on from the late Professor René Lourau and Raymond Fonvieille.
Bernard Lathuillere, AFJK, Paris,
translated from French by David Gribble
translated from French by David Gribble
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