When I was little again
International Youth Conference
The Netherlands, Sept. 22-28, 2007
International Youth Conference
The Netherlands, Sept. 22-28, 2007

An interesting and unique height days conference with educators from all over the world organized by the Janusz Korczak Association in the Netherlands. Its theme is based on the title of Korczak’s book.
En 2007, the Janusz Korczak Association in The Netherlands likes to celebrate her 25th anniversary with a special meeting for young people from different countries who work with children or teenagers as professional or as volunteer. From September 22th till 28th 2007, educators, students, teachers, medical workers, and social workers, etc. from all over the world will come together in Bergen aan Zee (Holland). In this conference we will discuss, learn and talk about our work and the connection with Korczak’s way of working and thinking.
En 2007, the Janusz Korczak Association in The Netherlands likes to celebrate her 25th anniversary with a special meeting for young people from different countries who work with children or teenagers as professional or as volunteer. From September 22th till 28th 2007, educators, students, teachers, medical workers, and social workers, etc. from all over the world will come together in Bergen aan Zee (Holland). In this conference we will discuss, learn and talk about our work and the connection with Korczak’s way of working and thinking.
Practical information
- Participants: Educators, students, social workers etc. Elder people will come with young colleagues.
- Language: English
- Dates of meeting: September Saturday 22th - Friday 28th 2007
- Place: “Het Zeehuis”, Bergen aan Zee, Holland. This place is on the edge of a big forest and only 300 meters from the North Sea.
- Cost: € 225, – (Price includes overnight stays, meals and cultural visits. This price does not include travelcosts)
Telephone: +31 20 644 70 18
Telefax: +31 20 644 81 54
Post address: Janusz Korczak Stichting, PO-box: 70048, 1007 KA Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Website: http://www.korczak.nl
Telefax: +31 20 644 81 54
Post address: Janusz Korczak Stichting, PO-box: 70048, 1007 KA Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Website: http://www.korczak.nl
- Print the full invitation: [PDF 128 Ko, 2 p.]
- Print the answer form: [PDF 88 Ko, 1 p.]
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